This is such a shame! This beautiful endangered house, known as Cleveland Hall, is located in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Most recently owned by Converse College. It could possibly be demolished by a local developer!
The house was built in 1905 and it is pretty amazing inside.
The bathrooms are gorgeous with their original tile and bath tubs!
Now let’s get to the tragic part. It was recently acquired by a developer. He has applied for a zoning change to allow for a high density townhouse development on this little lot.
Unfortunately, Converse College never placed any protective easements on the property. Had they done so this wouldn’t be happening.
Spartanburg isn’t exactly known for protecting their historic properties. Another grand home was recently demolished, you can read about that in Country Living Magazine.
Bon Haven, originally owned by the President of the Spartanburg Historical Society. So much irony in that! This home was demolished in late 2017. The sad part about this demolition is a Greenville couple offered $400,000 to save the home. Their offer was not accepted.
I say we flood Spartanburg’s town hall with emails to let them know how much we all oppose another house being demolished. It will be replaced by cheap cookie cutter townhouses on too small of a lot.
The rezoning is being described as a “new urbanist pocket neighborhood, featuring market rate row-houses as well as single family units”.
The hearing is open to the public and will be held January 17 at City Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. I have an email address where we can all email our dissent to this development. Natalia Rosario, [email protected]. I know a movement has started over on Instagram, I’m just helping continue it. If I lived closer I would be at that meeting! So let’s share this post and keep the movement going!