Preservation Preservation News

Exciting news!

November 11, 2018

As you know, here at Old House Life we are all about preservation. From preserving houses, saving cemeteries, trying to get old houses the recognition they deserve, and all the way to seeing buildings being preserved. So we are very happy to announce that our founder, Michelle Bowers, has been appointed to the Franklin County Historic Preservation Commission located in North Carolina. The focus of the commission is to preserve Franklin County’s historic buildings and in the process to preserve Franklin County’s history.

A message from Michelle:


As the founder of Old House Life, I pride myself on our work of saving houses, buildings and history. It is a passion of mine! I am very excited to be appointed to the Franklin County Historic Preservation Commission. I can now make an impact in my home county of North Carolina that I love so much! I have spent the past decade driving the back roads of Franklin County with my children and teaching them the history we have around here. I am excited that I can possibly make an impact by getting some structures historically designated and making sure they are around for future generations! Looking forward and upward, I cannot wait to see what we can do for Franklin County!

One mission of the Franklin County Historic Preservation Commission is to get an inventory of the county’s historic structures which was completed last year. Two of the many structures are the Franklinton Depot and the old Franklin County Jail located in Louisburg, North Carolina. Both of these buildings are close to being listed as historic landmarks.

“It has been said that, at its best, preservation engages the past in a conversation with the present over a mutual concern for the future.” William Murtagh, first keeper of the National Register of Historic Places.