Historic House Listings

Fixer Upper Alert! Circa 1860 in Missouri. $49,000

December 6, 2023

Fixer upper alert! This one has some nice details inside! The house was built in 1860. It is located on .29 acre in Fredericktown, Missouri. The house features double porches, hardwood floors, baseboards and stained glass windows. Work was already started with this house. It has a new roof and masonry work was repaired. Seven bedrooms and 2,754 square feet. $49,000

Contact Tara M. Pruett with Statler Realty: 573-783-1848

From the Zillow listing:


If these walls could talk, this historic home would share its rich history dating back to 1860. This unique, three-story house is looking for that perfect someone to put it back to its original glory and call this house a home. The architecture highlights a Queen Anne’s motif that was undoubtedly the most popular of the classical designs before the turn of the century. This home has already begun its restoration process as renovations of a new roof, windows and brick tuckpointing are complete. The original millwork has all been reserved and is awaiting its debut of being pieced back together. Come one, come all historic renovators!



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