Historic House Listings

Fixer Upper Alert! Potential! Circa 1910 in Virginia. $109,000

October 6, 2023

This could be an amazing project! So much potential! This home was built in 1910. It is located on .34 acres in Troutdale, Virginia. The home features a covered front porch, small upper porch, hardwood floors, baseboards and wainscoting. This could be a great house and fun to work on! Three bedrooms, one bathroom and 1,916 square feet. $109,000

Contact Tina Dowling with Tri-County Real Estate: 276-233-2681

From the Zillow listing:


A charming, historical home built in 1910, that still displays lots of old charm and characteristics of the 19th century. This home could be restored to its original glory days with a little TLC. However, finishing work is needed due to a partial bathroom remodel. This home has the potential for an Airbnb or just a peaceful mountain getaway.



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