Historic House Listings

Fixer upper alert! Circa 1900. Almost one acre in North mCarolina. $68,000

January 22, 2020

This fixer upper was built in 1900. It is located on .87 acres in Fremont, North Carolina. Definitely needs some work and cleaning up around the yard, etc, but the price doesn’t seem all that bad! Four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and 2,400 square feet. $75,000 New price: $68,000

From the Zillow listing:


This Grand Lady is waiting for a project manager to restore her former glory. Looking for a cash buyer. Selling as GÇ£she isGÇ¥ for a fantastic price. Great location with GÇ£good bonesGÇ¥. It needs work and much clean up and trash out. Inspections would be for the buyerGÇÖs information not to negotiate repairs at this GÇ£steal of a dealGÇ¥. Great potential for the right investor. Opportunity awaits. If you have access to funds and the ability to dream, this jewel may be exactly what you have been searching for!


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