Historic House Listings

Fixer upper alert! Circa 1901 in North Carolina. $45,900

May 3, 2019

I like the exterior style! This fixer upper definitely needs some work, but the price seems right. This home was built in 1901. It is located on .63 acres in Hookerton, North Carolina. This home has a large wrap around front porch. I would love to see what is under all of the carpeting! Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and 1,706 square feet. $45,900

From the Zillow listing:


Own a little piece of History in Hookerton  . Built in 1901, Can you imagine what changes have happened since the first owner  sat on the front porch – Perfect place for a porch swing to visit with your neighbors – Large back yard plenty of room to fence in and let those kids or fur babies play . This is a Fannie Mae HomePath Property

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