I love the staircase and the stained glass! This house was built in 1883. It is located on…
Fixer upper alert! This one has some nice details inside! The house was built in 1860. It is…
Love those porches and that trim! Circa 1895 in Missouri. $225,000
November 27, 2023Love those double porches and that beautiful trim! This home was built in 1895. It is located on…
The details in this house are amazing! The house was built in 1902. It is located in Saint…
5,000 square feet! Stained glass and pocket doors! Circa 1900 in Missouri. $186,000
November 9, 2023This is a big house with 5,000 square feet of living space! The stained glass and the pocket…
Wow! Look inside! I’m going to assume this low price is due to the location. The home was…
Look inside! 42 acres and fully furnished in Missouri. $846,000
October 27, 2023Look inside! This was a fun one to look through! There are two streams on the 42 acres…
That’s a huge enclosed porch! This home was built in 1817. It is located on five acres in…
I love stone houses! This one has scenic Meramec River frontage. The home was built in 1937. It…
Save This House! Grand staircase! Circa 1860 in Missouri. $65,000
October 3, 2023I love that grand staircase! It is very reminiscent of Thomas Day’s architectural work, but he wouldn’t have…