Our next official clean up day is September 29th. We really need a large group that day! We are a bit behind because we had quite a few not show up on our last clean up day. While I was in summer kitchen on Friday I noticed that the floors in there are starting to collapse due to the weight of all of the stuff inside that structure.
We need a group that can work on the yucky kitchen in the main house. This needs to be a group that doesn’t have a weak stomach! TRUST ME! While a group is finishing that off, I plan to be in the summer kitchen along with Jeremy and Bridget. That one is going to be a bit of a scary endeavor! Lots of snake skins in there and on Friday I saw a wolf spider the size of my palm!
And then we need an outside group for both structures. The outside groups are very important. As we toss stuff outside, they run it to the dumpsters. By the way, we are on our fourth dumpster! If you want to volunteer, you must be over 18. Be prepared, it is a lot of hard work! We do have fun though. And anyone that volunteers is welcome to go out with us afterward.
Want to join us? Private message me on Old House Life on Facebook. Direct message me on Old House Life on Instagram. Or email me through this website.
Last week Jeremy did find a framed picture of the summer kitchen in all of the mess inside! It was quite a find and it was almost tossed out! It was a challenge last week. We were short staffed and the humidity was getting to all of us! In one room the trash and junk was up to my waist in parts. We felt like quitting a few times! And a four foot rat snake hiding in the trash didn’t help matters! But we are making great progress! Thanks to everyone that has volunteered so far, we couldn’t do it without you.
Summer kitchen in better days!
Summer kitchen today.
One downstairs room we got cleaned out!
Trash was up to our waists in this room, and a snake was hiding in it!
Thanks to Thomas Bergdolt for finding this picture online for us! It is the Allen house back in 1987. Amazing how quickly a house can go downhill. We hope to bring it back though! Come join us!